The errata walk of shame.


Thanks to the eagle eyes and good sense of the knitters on ravelry, I have just discovered I made a few boneheaded errors in my Countess of Landsfeld pattern. Big sigh. I have updated the file on, as well as on my original blog post.

The big source of wrongness was the last row of the lace before the garter stitch short row shaping. Among the many errors was the fact that I had mislabeled the row as 59, when really it should have been 57.

This row should have read as k tbl, k2tog, k 10, *ssk psso, k11* rep from * 18x, k to 3 stitches before end, SSK, ktbl (241 sts); or, for the chart readers, k tbl, k2tog, k10, then continue with row 57 of chart, k to 3 stitches before the end, SSK, ktbl (241 sts).

I even got the final stitch count wrong. The shame, the shame!

Well, this is why we love the internet. Crowd sourced knitting errata is really pretty cool.

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